By Nadia Shanab | autism, general advice, parenting, tips
A new school year is around the corner and about to start! Parents and educators are you ready? Here are some tips to help you get off on the right foot. Bear in mind, there are three main goals in raising and educating children with autism that we are working on: Independence Improve Social Skills Improve Communication
Tags: asperger's syndrome, autism, communication, discipline, early intervention, flexibility, health, independence, organization, parenting, placement, rewards, schedule, senses, social interaction, tips, visual aids, visual timer
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By Nadia Shanab | autism, general advice, parenting, tips
Mothers of kids with autism suffer from the same disorder which combating soldiers suffer from “Post Traumatic Stress Disorder” (PTSD). But mothers of adolescent and adult children with autism in particular suffer the most. It is understandable that living under stress and being hyper vigilant and in a state of emergency for years can take
Tags: asperger's syndrome, autism, coping mechanism, health, oppositional defiant behavior, parenting, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD, schedule, social interaction, speech, temper tantrum, tips, visual aids
Posted in autism, general advice, parenting, tips | Comments Off on Mothers Of Children With Autism & Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
By Nadia Shanab | autism, general advice, parenting, tips
Here are 31 tips for teachers, educators, aides, and parents to work more effectively with children on the autism spectrum. General tips Always think SAFETY, SAFETY, SAFETY! This is the top priority when working with children, and especially special needs kids. Greet the student first by saying her/his name when she/he comes in. “Johnny! Good
Tags: asperger's syndrome, autism, communication, discipline, flexibility, independence, occupational therapy, parenting, rewards, senses, sensory integration issues, social interaction, tips, visual aids
Posted in autism, general advice, parenting, tips | Comments Off on Basic Tips For Best Results
By Nadia Shanab | autism, general advice, parenting, tips
What Is A Temper Tantrum It is a negative attention seeking that the child resorts to, in order to communicate her/his frustration in a socially inappropriate way. Usually the child’s frustration arises when a need or a desire hasn’t been met. Temper tantrum is a form of meltdown among others, like aggression, running off, and
Tags: asperger's syndrome, autism, communication, flexibility, health, organization, parenting, schedule, senses, sensory, social interaction, speech, temper tantrum, tips, visual aids, visual timer
Posted in autism, general advice, parenting, tips | Comments Off on How To Handle A Temper Tantrum
By Nadia Shanab | autism, general advice, parenting, tips
There is a way to go into children’s mind and see how they think (especially those with poor verbal skills) and check their understanding of the language. The activity explained below engages several senses along with the thinking process. The kids usually like it because it appears to them as a game. It includes cutting,
Tags: asperger's syndrome, autism, communication, flexibility, language comprehension, occupational therapy, parenting, reading test, sensory, sensory integration issues, social interaction, speech, tips, visual aids
Posted in autism, general advice, parenting, tips | Comments Off on A Quick Comprehension Test
By Nadia Shanab | autism, general advice, parenting, tips
Your child spends a good part of her day in school. To maximize the benefits from this time in school here are some simple tips to be shared with your child’s teacher. Parents and school’s staff’s cooperation will achieve best results. Sensory integration issues can be overwhelming. If your child have very sensitive ears to
Tags: asperger's syndrome, autism, communication, discipline, flexibility, independence, parenting, senses, sensory integration issues, social interaction, tips, visual aids
Posted in autism, general advice, parenting, tips | Comments Off on Simple Tips To Make Your Child Enjoy School
By Nadia Shanab | autism, general advice, parenting, tips
One of the strengths that people with autism enjoy is their sharp visual skills. That’s why we call them “visual thinkers” versus “verbal thinkers” in the case of typically developed individuals. Consequently, one of the signs of autism to look for, is paying attention to small details. Read more about the signs of autism in
Tags: asperger's syndrome, autism, communication, early intervention, parenting, research, schedule, Stephen Wiltshire, symptoms of autism, visual aids, visual schedule, visual timer
Posted in autism, general advice, parenting, tips | Comments Off on High Perceptual Skill As Early Sign Of Autism
By Nadia Shanab | autism, general advice, parenting, tips
This is a brilliant idea for drivers on the autism spectrum in Alabama, which can hopefully be extended nationwide. A special identification card can now be issued for drivers who have been diagnosed with autism. It costs $10. This card explains briefly but clearly how drivers with autism can be challenged with their condition. Communication
Tags: asperger's syndrome, autism, communication, discipline, drivers, early intervention, health, identification card, independence, parenting, safety, sensory, social interaction, symptoms of autism, visual aids
Posted in autism, general advice, parenting, tips | Comments Off on A Special ID For Drivers With Autism
By Nadia Shanab | autism, general advice, parenting, tips
Make sure your child has some interest in the destination you have decided to spend your vacation at. Museums and scientific sites can be too boring for your 3 or 4 years old. Choose age appropriate activities. Sensory integration issues and allergies are very important factors to be taken into consideration. Too hot, too humid,
Tags: asperger's syndrome, autism, communication, discipline, flexibility, organization, parenting, predictability, preparedness, routine, schedule, sensory integration issues, social stories, temper tantrums, tips, travel, vacation, visual aids
Posted in autism, general advice, parenting, tips | Comments Off on Traveling Tips
By Nadia Shanab | autism, general advice, parenting, tips
Traveling with a child with autism by plane can be very challenging. If you have decided to fly for your summer vacation, make sure you are well-prepared. Try to make the experience of traveling by airplane a positive and memorable one for your child with ASD. Airline companies are now competing and making more effort
Tags: accomodation, airlines, airplane, asperger's syndrome, autism, communication, discipline, early intervention, flexibility, health, independence, organization, parenting, schedule, sensory, social interaction, speech, tips, travel, vacation, visual aids
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