How Is The Brain Wiring Created?
By Nadia Shanab | UncategorizedIn a child development class I learned that a newborn’s brain has a huge number of connections between the cells (neurons). Imagine these connections forming a network. If some connections are more used than others (due to a heavy traffic on these communication lines), these pathways become well-established. The connections that are less used, get
Why Is Autism on The Rise?
By Nadia Shanab | UncategorizedIt is a worldwide phenomena that the diagnosis with autism is on the rise, even in underdeveloped countries. What might the reason be? Diagnostic criteria are changing Screening tools have developed Increasing research on the topic Increased health services New environmental factors (pollution of air, oceans,…) Increased awareness of the condition Social factors I believe
Should You Tell Your Child about Her Diagnosis?
By Nadia Shanab | UncategorizedThe answer to this question depends mainly on the child’s level of awareness of herself, both socially and cognitively. Some high-functioning children already know that they have autism. They know their condition very well, and are able to describe it precisely. This category of children knows its strengths as well as its weaknesses. Moreover, they
Sleep Education for Better Performance
By Nadia Shanab | UncategorizedSome children with autism have difficulty falling asleep. Their night sleep is inadequate or fagmented. As a result, their performance during the daytime is poor. If the child doesn’t get enough sleep, she wouldn’t be able to focus and learn. A research in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders was able to help parents
Make The Doctor’s Visit A Successful Experience
By Nadia Shanab | UncategorizedDear Parents, Here are six tips to make your child have a positive and successful experience in the doctor’s office. Preaparedness is always a key to get a better outcome when dealing with kids on the autism spectrum (ASD). Let your child consider the doctor’s visit a game that she is part of. Get her
My Article in The “San José Mercury News”
By Nadia Shanab | UncategorizedYou can read my new article about meanstreaming in the online edition of the San José Mercury News or in the Cupertino Courier local news edition. Click here. nadia
What Is Autism? Watch The Video
By Nadia Shanab | UncategorizedYou have probably been reading in books, magazines and the Internet to learn about autism. Here is shortcut for you. I chose this video from the CDC for you. Watch the video. You need more details? Watch this video about Autism Spectrum Disorders. nadia shanab
The Importance of Art for Autistic Kids
By Nadia Shanab | UncategorizedQ: What does practicing art do to anybody? A: It expresses a person’s feelings, thinking, talents and wants. Children with autism are most of the time stuck inside their own mind. They have poor communication abilities, it is hard for them to initiate any conversation, therefore, they avoid talking to others. Their social skills are
Build on Strengths Not on Deficits
By Nadia Shanab | UncategorizedEvery person, whether on the autism spectrum or not, has got a set of deficits or weaknesses: mental capacities, physical capabilities or social skills, among many more. On the other hand, the set of strengths and talents a human being has been endowed with are endless. Why do most people focus on what’s not working so