A Message to Parents

Dear Parents, I am finally back after a long silence for almost two years. It is very hard to disengage myself from thinking and writing about...

Posts Tagged ‘visual schedule’

How To Deal With Stubborness Or Oppositional Defiant Behavior

How To Deal With Stubborness Or Oppositional Defiant Behavior

By Nadia Shanab | autism, general advice, parenting, tips

If you are expecting your child or students to consistently comply, obey, agree, and follow your directions every time you ask her, you must be dreaming. This is just so unrealistic. Whether your child/student is on the autism spectrum or not, it is unlikely that you’ll to be listened to all the time. Parents and

High Perceptual Skill As Early Sign Of Autism

High Perceptual Skill As Early Sign Of Autism

By Nadia Shanab | autism, general advice, parenting, tips

One of the strengths that people with autism enjoy is their sharp visual skills. That’s why we call them “visual thinkers” versus “verbal thinkers” in the case of typically developed individuals. Consequently, one of the signs of autism to look for, is paying attention to small details. Read more about the signs of autism in