By Nadia Shanab | Uncategorized
Asperger’s Syndrome used to be classified as a distinct disorder different from the ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder). The new (DSM-5) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder has simply included the Asperger’s Syndrome within the ASD. By doing this the disorder loses its diagnosis and becomes part of the autism spectrum. A compromise would be
Tags: asperger's syndrome, autism, DSM-5, health, parenting, research, sensory, social interaction, symptoms of autism
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By Nadia Shanab | Uncategorized
The way ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorders) has always been diagnosed, is based on the professionals’ (pediatrians, psychologists, psychiatirics, specialized therapists…) social interaction with the child. Then, the professional’s opinion supported by parents observations are usually the traditional way to give a child a diagnosis. This novel technology can provide a more accurate, objective, and early
Tags: autism, communication, diagnosis, early intervention, health, parenting, research, sensory, social interaction, speech, symptoms of autism, techniques
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By Nadia Shanab | Uncategorized
Here is another research to confirm a correlation between autism and genetics. The cerebellum is involved in the expression of autism condition/ behavior. Read the full article here. nadia shanab
Tags: autism, development, genes, health, parenting, research
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By Nadia Shanab | Uncategorized
This is a great news for the Autism Community. Dr. Temple Grandin is the keynote speaker in the Autism and Asperger Conference this Friday, July 26, 2013. Not only Temple will be there, but her mother, Eustacia Cutler, the great lady behind all the success, is giving a speech too. Dr. Melmed, a leading developmental
Tags: asperger's syndrome, autism, conference, parenting, Temple Grandin, tips
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By Nadia Shanab | Uncategorized
One short way to define autism used to be : “A different brain wiring”. The study mentioned below proves that this definition is absoutely correct. A new study reported yesterday (July 22, 2013) by HealthDay News (Serena Gordon) about how the autistic brain is wired. Results of the study were published July 22 online in
Tags: autism, brain wiring, health, parenting, research, symptoms of autism
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By Nadia Shanab | Uncategorized
Researchers believe that “gentetics” and “environmental” factors are two of the main causes of autism. The exposure to heavy metals -like lead, cadmium, and mercury- is believed to represent one of the environmental threats to the child’s development. A new research published today in ScienceDaily is announcing great news for parents. The research run in Seychellels,
Tags: autism, communication, health, heavy metals, mercury, parenting, research, social interaction, symptoms of autism
Posted in Uncategorized | Comments Off on No Correlation between Prenatal Exposure to Low-Level Mercury and Autistic-Like Behavior
By Nadia Shanab | Uncategorized
In the last two posts and I talked about the importance of encouraging individuals with autism and special needs in general to practice and develop their special interests and talents. Why is the summer break, in particular, is a great time to do so? First, it is the longest break of the year,
Tags: autism, communication, discipline, flexibility, independence, parenting, senses, social interaction, Temple Grandin, tips
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By Nadia Shanab | Uncategorized
Individuals with autism might not be doing very well academically, but they might have hidden talents and capabilities. Some of them are real artists playing musical instruments, dancing, painting, drawing, here is an example…Others are very good with mechanics and manual work like Temple Grandin the amazing designer of live stock facilities. Some of them
Tags: asperger's syndrome, autism, discipline, independence, occupational therapy, organization, parenting, Temple Grandin, tips
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By Nadia Shanab | Uncategorized
Communication and social interaction are one of the major goals in raising and educating a child with autism. To enable and encourage communication and social interaction to be practiced successfully, kids within the same setting or environment should have some interests in common. For some children, SDC (Special Day Classes) are not the best match for their
Tags: autism, communication, home-schooling, occupational therapy, organization, parenting, social interaction, Temple Grandin, tips
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By Nadia Shanab | Uncategorized
In her new book, Temple Grandin, the most famous high-functioning autistic person in the world, adds a new category of the autistic brain. Her hypothesis was scientifically confirmed by researchers. She defines her own brain as a “visual” brain. The second kind is the “verbal” brain. Recently a new category was added, namely the “pattern”
Tags: asperger's syndrome, autism, discipline, independence, parenting, research, Temple Grandin
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