Very Early Autism Signs
By Nadia Shanab | general advice, parenting, UncategorizedThis video is from a first-hand experienced mom of a baby with autism
Dear Parents, I am finally back after a long silence for almost two years. It is very hard to disengage myself from thinking and writing about...
This video is from a first-hand experienced mom of a baby with autism
The fundamnetal requirement for an individual with an autism spectrum disorder to be successful in life after high school is independenc. As repeatedly mentioned before, poor communication and social skills are the two most common traits of autism. Consequently, high school students with autism exhibit difficulty asking questions and expressing themselves. Additionally, their rigidity and
Facilitating social interaction for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is crucial to help them communicate and connect with the society. In schools, adults should encourage kids with autism to mingle with typically developed peers on the play ground. Luckily, all children enjoy recess and playtime, because it is simply a time to have fun!
In a research done by a team of The University of Missouri found a relationship between bedroom access to a telivision or computer and reduced sleep among boys with autism. Besides, they found a relationship between the average video-game exposure and less time sleeping among boys with ASD. Read the full research here. Using a
Often times we see parents of children with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorders) comparing their child to her peers. They assume that if a peer has been fully mainstreamed and their child is still struggling with one subject in mainstream, they would consider it a failure on their part as well as the child’s. The reason
On December 2, Yale School of Medicine researchers pubished a research in the Proceeding of the National Academy of Science about a nasal spray that enhances the brain activity in individuals with autism. The spray containing the hormone Oxytocin was delivered via nasal spray. Oxytocin is naturally occuring hormone produced in the brain and throughout
A research from the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California was recently published suggesting: “Children with both the risk of autism genotype and exposure to high air polluant levels were at increased risk of autism spectrum disorder compared to those without the risk genotype and lower air pollution exposure.” This study
Why do children with autism repeat and echo the questions they are asked? We agreed that the wiring of the brain in individuals with autism is different, compared to NTs (Neurotypically developed peers). Consequently, The processing or thinking speed of a child with autism is sometimes different. And while the child is trying to process/think