By Nadia Shanab | Uncategorized
Here is one bright side of autism. Anecdote A student has difficulty spacing her words and numbers when writing. I keep telling her that her sentences and paragraphs looks like one single word of a string of letters. She also does the same with number. Her handwriting becomes almost illegible when all the letters and
Tags: autism, communication, flexibility, parenting, perspective taking, social interaction
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By Nadia Shanab | Uncategorized
The reason of defining autism by a “spectrum” is based on the fact that the condition can be manifested through diverse signs or behaviors and hundreds of combinations of these signs. We always say that there is no two autistic kids alike. We also say that if you have seen one autistic child you have
Tags: autism, communication, diagnosis, early intervention, health, parenting, research, social interaction
Posted in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Specific Autism Symptoms Impact The Age at Diagnosis
By Nadia Shanab | Uncategorized
One of the common traits of autism is the inability or having difficulty imitating people. Training children with autism to imitate or copy is very important from an early age. Many children with autism can learn this skill. Learning to imitate improves social skills and enhances communication and human interaction. But How do they imitate?
Tags: autism, communication, parenting, research, symptoms of autism
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By Nadia Shanab | Uncategorized
Beginning April, Dr. Landa at The Kennedy Krieger Institute is offering a FREE developmental assessments for infants between ages 5 to 10 months who have an older sibling with autism and live within the Mid-Atalntic five-state region (Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Verginia) or District of Colombia. The risk or likelihood of having a subsequent
Tags: autism, communication, consequences, discipline, flexibility, health, independence, parenting, research, social interaction, symptoms of autism
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By Nadia Shanab | Uncategorized
‘A paper published this month (April 2013) in the medical journal Lancet Neurology suggests that a broad spectrum of developmental and psychiatric disorders, ranging from autism and intellectual disability to schizophrenia, should be conceptualized as different manifestations (presentations or signs) of a common underlying factor “developmental brain dysfunction” rather than completely independent conditions with distinct
Tags: asperger's syndrome, autism, communication, genetics, parenting, psychiatiric disorders, research, symptoms of autism, tips
Posted in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Psychiatric Disorders Are A Continuum
By Nadia Shanab | Uncategorized
Vaccines has been an important topic of research and discussions for so many years. Some parents have a deep belief that the tripple vaccine was the cause of their child’s condition of autism. In a recent research the connection between autism and vaccines failed. It recommeds to keep the vaccines schedule. Read the full article
Tags: asperger's syndrome, autism, communication, consequences, discipline, health, independence, parenting, research, symptoms of autism, tips
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By Nadia Shanab | Uncategorized
A research done at has shown that kids with autism showed an increased social interaction in the presence of pets. They smiled, laughed, looked at human faces, and became more talkative in the presence of pets compared to toys. They also did less crying, whining, frowning, and became less self-focused in the presence of
Tags: asperger's syndrome, autism, communication, discipline, flexibility, independence, occupational therapy, parenting, research, sensory, social interaction, tips
Posted in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Human-Animal Bond Enhances Social Interaction
By Nadia Shanab | Uncategorized
Today is the International Autism Awareness Day. I would like to seize the opportunity and share in raising awareness about autism. My book is now sold on iTunes, Kindle-Amazon, and Nook for $4.99 only. If you are interested in a hard copy its is also available for $14.99 instead of $19.99 from my webstore or
Tags: asperger's syndrome, autism, communication, consequences, discipline, flexibility, health, independence, occupational therapy, organization, parenting, research, schedule, senses, sensory, social interaction, speech, Temple Grandin, tips, visual aids
Posted in Uncategorized | Comments Off on “Everyday Life with Autism” Is Now on Sale $4.99
By Nadia Shanab | Uncategorized
Autsim Speaks published a great article to summerize the most important things about autism we didn’t know a year ago. Read the article here:–-we-didn’t-know-year-ago As an educator working with kids with autism I feel obligated to tell the parents the following: 1- I have seen kids making a great progress over the years, and
Tags: asperger's syndrome, autism, communication, consequences, discipline, flexibility, health, independence, organization, parenting, schedule, sensory, social interaction, techniques, tips, visual aids
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By Nadia Shanab | Uncategorized
Autistic or Artistic? Autistic?… Oh, you mean artistic, I know you are born holistic. Sometimes you turn ballistic, But your big heart is always humanistic. Honesty is your characteristic, And your nature is so authentic. I like you when you become adventuristic, It reminds me the impressionistics. Autistic?… Oh you meant artistic. by nadia shanab
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