A Message to Parents

Dear Parents, I am finally back after a long silence for almost two years. It is very hard to disengage myself from thinking and writing about...

Posts Tagged ‘sensory’

A Brilliant Idea To Handle A Temper Tantrum

A Brilliant Idea To Handle A Temper Tantrum

By Nadia Shanab | autism, general advice, parenting, tips

Watch the video below and see how easy and fast a temper tantrum came to an end. The idea is easy to implement even if you don’t have a backyard. You can imagine the tremendous amount of sensory overload the boy is suffering from, light, noise, lack of personal space, …The boy just needed to

How To Create A Flexible Schedule

By Nadia Shanab | autism, general advice, parenting, tips

In a previous entry I explained the importance of a daily schedule. Now I will show you how to build your own magnetic schedule, which will look like this: Before I explain how to make a physical magnetic schedule (the most effective I’ve ever used), here are some rules that I would like to talk

All That An Assistive Dog Can Bring To Your Family (Video)

All That An Assistive Dog Can Bring To Your Family (Video)

By Nadia Shanab | autism, general advice, parenting, tips

The proverb says: The dog is man’s best friend. Dogs are loyal and they love their masters unconditionally (I prefer to use the word masters over owners). They communicate without language, and understand the body language. If your child doesn’t talk or has poor verbal skills she/he can still have a social life. A dog

How To Handle A Temper Tantrum

How To Handle A Temper Tantrum

By Nadia Shanab | autism, general advice, parenting, tips

What Is A Temper Tantrum It is a negative attention seeking that the child resorts to, in order to communicate her/his frustration in a socially inappropriate way. Usually the child’s frustration arises when a need or a desire hasn’t been met. Temper tantrum is a form of meltdown among others, like aggression, running off, and

A Quick Comprehension Test

A Quick Comprehension Test

By Nadia Shanab | autism, general advice, parenting, tips

There is a way to go into children’s mind and see how they think (especially those with poor verbal skills) and check their understanding of the language. The activity explained below engages several senses along with the thinking process. The kids usually like it because it appears to them as a game. It includes cutting,

Autism And Nutrition

Autism And Nutrition

By Nadia Shanab | autism, general advice, parenting, tips

Studies found that individuals with autism, both kids and adults, frequently suffer from digestion disorders, or being underweight or overweight. We know that one of the most common traits of autism is rigidity and love for routine. This may results in sticking to the same type of food and limiting the kinds of nutrients the

A Simple Testing Tool To Detect Autism

A Simple Testing Tool To Detect Autism

By Nadia Shanab | autism, general advice, parenting, tips

Some kids with autism are non-verbal, which makes their diagnosis more difficult. A recent study found a new concept to diagnose autism. It is called the “Sniff Test”. The research showed that individuals with autism have a pattern in smelling. Whether the scent is good or bad, they sniff the same way, unlike typically developed

Why Are Kids With Autism Attracted To Water

Why Are Kids With Autism Attracted To Water

By Nadia Shanab | autism, general advice, parenting, tips

Drowning is the leading cause of death in children with autism. It can happen even in a shallow pond. But first let’s find out why are kids with autism drawn to water? Going under water blocks out undesirable noises and sounds. Hiding under water surface is an escape from the stressful demands and request the

Autism Training Is Now Taking A New Dimension.

By Nadia Shanab | autism, general advice, parenting, tips

It seems like people’s awareness about autism is increasing, given the growing rate of the condition! This is great news! Awareness will make life easier and safer for individuals on the autism spectrum and their families, as well as for others who would encounter them. Your child with autism will eventually have to interact with

A New Tool To Help Police Tailor A Response To Those With Special Needs

By Nadia Shanab | autism, general advice, parenting, tips

If you have a child with autism or other developmental disability make sure to find out if your community has this tool available. This amazing resource is already at people’s service in Brunswick, Maine, since three years ago. Call your local police department to find out. How to deal with a temper tantrum? It is