Make The Doctor’s Visit A Successful Experience

Nadia Shanab | Uncategorized
24 Sep 2013

Dear Parents,

Here are six tips to make your child have a positive and successful experience in the doctor’s office.

  1. Preaparedness is always a key to get a better outcome when dealing with kids on the autism spectrum (ASD). Let your child consider the doctor’s visit a game that she is part of. Get her the doctor’s kit toy and practice with her what a doctor would do to examine her. For example: take her temperature, blood pressure, look into her ears, eyes, throat, use the stetoscope to listen to her heart beats, and so on and so forth. Keep practicing at home this game to put her at ease with this process.
  2. Another part of the praparedness would be to show her the picture of the doctor who is going to examine her. In some cases, doctors have more than pictures on their websites. Watching a tour in the office or a video about the clinic can make your child more comfortable when she goes to the real visit.
  3. If the wait is too long take some toys, games or books with you to keep her busy. You may also ask to go for a walk and let them give you a phone call as your turn approaches. This will save you, the child, and the staff a lot of frustration.
  4. Take headphones or earplugs with you in case one of the children in the office is crying, screaming or having a tantrum.
  5. Take the child’s favorite treat with you and have the doctor give it to her at the end of the visit as a reward for doing a good job. This will help her bond with the doctor and will also leave a good impression and memories about the doctor and the place.
  6. Do a fun activity after you leave the doctor’s office. Buy her ice cream, go to a place she likes like a park, watch a movie. This activity will associate the doctor’s visit with something she really likes to do.

nadia shanab

Some of the contents are referenced to: Autism Asperger Digest, issue September/October.

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