By Nadia Shanab | Uncategorized
Tip Give your child the opportunity to play a musical instrument at an early age. Help your child explore and experience the practice of playing music and look for her favorite instrument. It may take time to land on the perfect instrument that matches your child’s interest and needs. Be patient don’t give up. Why
Tags: asperger's syndrome, autism, communication, discipline, flexibility, health, independence, occupational therapy, parenting, research, senses, sensory, social interaction, speech, tips
Posted in Uncategorized | Comments Off on The Benefits of Playing Music on The Brain
By Nadia Shanab | Uncategorized
I used to work with a student who was obsessively writing letters, numbers, and symbols in the air using her index. I was so puzzled about this behavior, because it didn’t look appropriate in other poeple’s eyes. My idea was to help her use another medium to write on that looked more appropriate and channel
Tags: autism, communication, memory deficiency, parenting, senses, social interaction, speech, tips, visual aids
Posted in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Anecdote: Memory Problem or Sensory Issue
By Nadia Shanab | Uncategorized
There are three other conditions/diseases that may overlap with autism. Your child has been diagnosed with autism, but beware of other symptoms that may hide under the ASD ambrella. Epilepsy, Tourette Syndrome, and Mitocondrial Disease. The good new is that treatments administered to cure these conditions can also benefit your child with autism. 1-Is your
Tags: asperger's syndrome, autism, diagnosis, early intervention, epilepsy, health, Mitchondrial disease, parenting, research, symptoms of autism, tips, Tourette Syndrome
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By Nadia Shanab | Uncategorized
If you are expecting your child or students to consistently comply, obey, agree, and follow your directions every time you ask her, you must be dreaming. This is just so unrealistic. Whether your child/student is on the autism spectrum or not, it is unlikly that you’ll to be listened to all the time. Parents and
Tags: autism, communication, discipline, flexibility, independence, parenting, schedule, tips
Posted in Uncategorized | Comments Off on How to Deal with Oppositional Defiant Behavior
By Nadia Shanab | Uncategorized
“There’s no reason to miss out on holiday gatherings” Here are some tips to help parents of special needs kids to enjoy the holiday season and be part of their community and stay connected to their family and friends. Don’t turn down any invitations. You’ll be pleasantly surprised how interesting your experience was. Read the
Tags: ADHD, asperger's syndrome, autism, communication, flexibility, health, holidays, independence, organization, parenting, senses, sensory, social interaction, tips
Posted in Uncategorized | Comments Off on My New Article in The San Jose Mercury News This Week
By Nadia Shanab | Uncategorized
A study published in the journal Nature, Nov 6, reveals the earliest sign of developing auism ever observed: a steady decline in attention to others’ eyes within the first two to six months of life. Autism is usually diagnosed around the age of 2, when a significant delay in speech and poor social skills are
Tags: autism, communication, early intervention, eye contact, health, parenting, research, social interaction, tips
Posted in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Eye-Looking as An Early Marker for Autism
By Nadia Shanab | Uncategorized
In a new finding from Stanford University, research was done on individuals with high-functioning autism with IQ higher than 70, shows that the connecivity in the brain is high compared to their peers with typically developed brain. This finding is challenging previous belief that: individuals with autism have lower connectivity in brain regions. “Using one
Tags: asperger's syndrome, autism, brain connectivity, communication, epilepsy, health, research, social skills, tips, visual aids
Posted in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Hyper Connectivity in The Brain Related to Autism
By Nadia Shanab | Uncategorized
Miracles happens watch the video. Source: Yahoo News nadia shanab
Tags: autism, communication, development, health, parenting, senses, speech, tips
Posted in Uncategorized | Comments Off on 8-Year-Old with Nonverbal Autism Delights Mom by Singing Katy Perry’s Roar
By Nadia Shanab | Uncategorized
Family gatherings are around the corner! Most people love to celebrate traditions and keep cultures. Soon you’ll receive many invitations to join lunches, dinners, parties with your family and friends. Parents with kids on the autism spectrum, tend to decline these invitations and find an excuse to escape all kinds of gatherings. As much as
Tags: asperger's syndrome, autism, communication, discipline, flexibility, health, independence, organization, parenting, sensory, social interaction, tips
Posted in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Don’t Worry! You Can Still Enjoy Holidays Gatherings
By Nadia Shanab | Uncategorized
It is never enough to emphasize the importance of being specific when interacting with individuals with autism to avoid any confusion. However, I’ve always found everything they say, and which may appear illogical to certain people, to be absolutely rational. Here are some examples: Example 1 We were reading a story and we came across
Tags: asperger's syndrome, autism, communication, flexibility, free thinkers, idioms, out of the box, parenting, senses, social interaction, tips, what's normal?
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