Tips for Behavioral Troubleshooting
Nadia Shanab | Uncategorized1 Oct 2013
The following tips can be applied in classrooms as well as at home.
- Be positive in scanning the environment for possible behavioral precipitants.
- Reduce or eleminate stressors, to the extent possible.
- Read the student’s cue and signals and react before inapporopriate behavior occurs.
- “Plug in” activities designed to reduce stress and anxiety before behavioral disruptions occur (e.g. relaxation exercises, sensory breaks, etc.)
- Be proactive in providing peripheral, direct academic, and similar support as preventative behavioral measures.
- Diffuse tense situations through re-direction and distraction.
- Increase structure and predictability.
Reference: The tips above were suggested by the Cupertino School District.
nadia shanab
Tags: ADHD, asperger's syndrome, autism, communication, consequences, discipline, early intervention, flexibility, health, independence, mainstream, occupational therapy, parenting, placement, schedule, senses, social interaction, speech, techniques, transition, visual aids