A Message to Parents

Dear Parents, I am finally back after a long silence for almost two years. It is very hard to disengage myself from thinking and writing about...

Posts Tagged ‘positive psychology’

How to Answer The Question: “Am I A Special Ed?”

By Nadia Shanab | autism, general advice, parenting, tips

Anecdote I was shadowing a student with autism from a Special Day Class (SDC) in a mainstream class for Math subject. The student looked around scanning the faces of all the students surrounding her. With confused and lost eyes the student looked at me and asked: “Am I a special ed student?” She was loud enough

Positive Education

By Nadia Shanab | general advice, Uncategorized

Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions. Dalai Lama Research shows that people are becoming less happy, less fulfilled and less satisfied over the last two generations. Fifty years ago depression was known to affect people over thirty; now even children in elementary schools and adolescents are suffering from depression.

Positive Psychology

By Nadia Shanab | Uncategorized

You may have noticed that most of my articles are about trying to help parents and educators raise and educate kids with autism. So, most of  the tips I suggest are usually targeting the kids. But, how about parents and educators themselves? Can they always be in their greatest shape, best mood, and ready to provide