A Message to Parents

Dear Parents, I am finally back after a long silence for almost two years. It is very hard to disengage myself from thinking and writing about...

Autism Songs by Ryan Walsh

Nadia Shanab | Uncategorized

Take a break and listen to some beautiful songs. www.youtube.com/playlist?list

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Free Interactive Concerts for Children with Autism

Nadia Shanab | Uncategorized

Your child pobably loves music like many other children with autism. You have also tried to satisfy his musical interest and got disappointed with people’s looks and whispers. Your dream is to take your child to a concert and be able to enjoy listening and participating in a concert without being sigmatized. Watch the video. Please [read more]

Employment of Adults with High-Functioning Autism and Asperger’s

Nadia Shanab | Uncategorized

Adults with high-functioning autism and Asperger’s Syndrome have some qualities that typically developed people (off the spectrum) don’t. According to Marc Lazar,program director at Aspiritech:”They can find details that most people miss, they’re able to focus for long periods of time, and they really savor specific kinds of work like software testing, lab work and [read more]

Asperger’s vs. High Functioning Autism

Nadia Shanab | Uncategorized

What is the difference? Unlike high-functioning autism, individuals with Asperger’s Syndrome didn’t have delayed speech in their early childhood. To the contrary, they can be very eloquent and fluent in their speech. In addition, they have no problem making eye-contact. They also didn’t necessarily have delayed cognitive development. However, they share some autistic traits with typically [read more]

A Revision to ASD Is Proposed In DSM-5 in May 1013

Nadia Shanab | Uncategorized

“A revision to autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is proposed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders version 5 (DSM-5), which will be released in May 2013.[8] The new diagnosis will encompass current diagnoses of autistic disorder, Asperger’s disorder, childhood disintegrative disorder, and PDD-NOS. Rather than categorizing these diagnoses, the DSM-5 will adopt a dimensional [read more]

Parents, I Take My Hat off!

Nadia Shanab | Uncategorized

Dear Parents, You are working so hard to make your dream come true. Your dream of seeing your child losing her/his autism. Alternatively, your second best dream, to see your child inspite of her/his autism happy, independent, and successful. Most importantly, you work so hard to secure your child’s future, more than any other parents [read more]

Aging Out of Autism

Nadia Shanab | Uncategorized

A new resarch in the Time magazine hinting to a new therapy that didn’t get the chance it deserves to be tested. Some researchers believe that with “time”  some autistic individuals grow out of autism. Deborah Fein lead a research in the University of Connecticut including 34 individuals ranging from 8 to 21 year-old who [read more]

Local & Long-Range Functional Connectivity in The Autistic Brain

Nadia Shanab | Uncategorized

A recent research studies both types of connectivities in individuals with ASD. www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/01/130114153422.htm

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Should The Child Know about Her/His Condition/Diagnosis?

Nadia Shanab | Uncategorized

This question keeps relentlessly imposing itself on my mind. To answer this question I decided to ask myself even more questions. 1- When can I talk to my child about her/his condition? At what age? 2- Is sooner better than later? 3- Should I introduce the subject and discuss it as a general topic and [read more]

Behavior Therapy Normalizes Brains of Autistic Children

Nadia Shanab | Uncategorized

A research that proves once again the importance of early intervention to change the course of the disorder of autism. http://ti.me/Vth7VU Read more about early interverntion: http://bit.ly/M83tEy nadia shanab

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