7 Risk Factors For Autsim

Nadia Shanab | autism, general advice, parenting, tips
29 Apr 2015

Knowledge is power. The more you are informed, the safer. It is becoming a well-know fact that the number of children born with autism is on the rise. Additionally, the prevalence of  boys born with autism is four times that of girls.


Since autism is an incapacitating and crippling neurological disorder, let’s do our best to avoid it when possible. The following risk factors are very important to be aware of. Some of them are up to you to control, some are less.


We cannot emphasize enough the importance of early intervention. When you become pregnant look out for the risk factors mentioned below to make sure you’re doing your homework. Stay tuned and consult with your health provider when in doubt.

Remember that up to the minute the conclusive causes of autism haven’t been identified yet. It is not even known whether it is caused by one factor or more, or a combination of two or more. Science is the hope, so keep learning.

Watch the video about causes of autism

Watch a video about the link between flu during pregnancy and autism.

Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, NP, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM published the article below in the GlobalHealingCenter

1. Mycotoxins: are mold by products found in grains, coffee, wine, and pork, something to look out for.

2. C-Sections: babies born with C-section are usually delivered before the due date. Even few weeks earlier than the due date can affect the child’s development. Make sure to study very well all your options.

3. Maternal Antibodies: are created in moms’ body. They unite and attach to certain proteins responsible for the fetal neurological development. These antibodies are also found in children with autism.

4. Placenta Abnormalities: the atypical placenta was found to have link with neuro developmental disorders including autism. However, this is not a direct cause of autism.

5. Smoking: causes many serious diseases, but smoking while pregnant increases the risk of giving birth to a child with Asperger’s syndrome.

6. Air Pollution: is like smoking, besides being responsible of causing serious diseases, it also increases the risk of having a child with autism. Make sure the air indoors is not polluted.

7. Endocrine Disruptors: Males are four times more likely than females to be diagnosed with autism. It is logical to believe that cause is a hormonal related issue.

Read the full article here.

nadia shanab

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