Tips to Help Teens with Sensory Issues

Nadia Shanab | Uncategorized
12 Mar 2013

It is much easier to deal with sensory issues in younger children with ASD wether at home or in classrooms. Wearing headphones and typical weighted vest is much less tolerated in junior high or high school. How can you help your teenager with ASD?


1- To relieve stress, replace the figity objects with stress balls found in office supply stores used by adults.

2- Replace the specialized weighted vest, with any other vest of your teen’s choice and use velcro to attach some bean bags from the inside, or just place them in the pockets. A cargo vest is most suitable for this purpose.

3- Talk to your teen and most importantly be a good listener.

4- Instead of eating lunch in the cafeteria, pack a lunch that your teen can eat anywhere in a quiet place on campus. Skipping lunch or brunch to avoid movements, chaos, noise, or smells might trigger an even worse stressful situation, like a meltdown.

5- Talk your teen’s teachers into assigning more individual work rather than group projects, if appropriate.

To read more about sensory issues in teens refer to AADigest March-April 2013 pages49 and50.

nadia shanab

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