Magnetic Stimulation of The Brain to Feel People’s Emotions

Nadia Shanab | Uncategorized
17 Mar 2013

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) of the area of the brain containing mirror neurons may open a window on other people’s feelings. John Elder Robison admits that TMS had changed his life. Even when its effect wears off, the knowlege and awareness of the existence of how one’s feels other poeple’s emotions doesn’t go away. Watch the video:;_ylt=A0oGdd9mXUZRDRQA8ytXNyoA?p=john%20elder%20robison%20TMS&fr2=sb-top&fr=yfp-t-900-s

The mirror neurons are special neurons in the brain that underlie the experience of empathy, and also play an improtant role in learning. When this part of the brain is stimulated through TMS some people, like John Robison, could feel the emotions of others. He also said that this procedure has permanently improved his ability to analyze music. He was explaining to Temple Grandin that this experiment is like a person who has been color blind and all of a sudden got color vision, and only then knowing what certain colors really are. It opens the door on emotions. He got better at relating to people.

Temple Grandin hasn’t yet decided to go through this experience. Read her article in AADigest April/March 2013 pages 12 and 13.

nadia shanab

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